Migraine and Cervicogenic headaches have the most common symptoms of head and neck pain. Both the pains might seem to be similar but they have different reasons. Migraines originate from the brain but Cervicogenic headaches originate from the neck.
Migraine is a throbbing pain mostly on one side of the head. It has been believed that before a migraine attack a neck pain is experienced. It is caused due to the hypersensitive neurons being triggered by some kind of environmental changes, hormones, food etc. there are various phases of migraine like prodrome, aura, migraine attack and pre drome.
Cervicogenic headaches seem to mimic migraine but they seem to orginate from the cervical spine. These are caused due to the issues in the bones, nerves and muscles in the neck. The pain is felt in the head but it is a referred pain from a different area in the body. The most common symptoms are stress, tiredness, trauma or eyestrain.